Monday, June 13, 2011

you wonder "why"

hey guys,
this is the first chapter of a new book im working on, hope you like it. give me your thoughts

today i was told something that made my whole entire world come to a standstill, i wont indulge in the details, and i still cant believe it. basically, my parents arent working out. when my mom told me i just stared at her. i couldn't stop staring, truth was i wasnt really seeing her, i was staring at something far away. i didn't cry, didnt talk, i just turned around and went to my room. wierd huh? i sat in my room for what felt like 8 days, but was really only 30 minutes and thought "why?". it was that simple question that made my eyes instantly gloss over and before i knew it, my face was like an ocean. i just sat and cried, and cried, and cried. my mom called me to eat dinner but i had no appetite. i crawled into bed at 6:00pm and looked at my ceiling. once again i wasnt really seeing anything, it was far away. how were we going to get on without dad? my family was always the family that did EVERYTHING together and would be the last family that you would think would have problems. but, everything is not what it seems. i should've read more into the signs but i decided that they werent relevant. them retiring into their room so late at night and arguing, hoping noone could hear. them rarely spending one on one time together. and even them not laughing at eachothers jokes. i couldnt stand them for making me feel like this, for making me cry more than i ever had. why did it have to happen noe? why did it have to happen to my parents? why was i put into this situation? why did i feel like this? why why why why why why why? it's still all i could think about. im not depressed, i feel worse. it's almost like im not feeling. just like i wasnt seeing, i wasnt hearing or smelling. things were kind of just there. almost everything posed as an inanimate object, was i an inanimate object also? was this all just a dream? but no it wasnt. it was indeed my reality.